Make Sure You Still Have Income After a Serious Injury
There may come a point where you can no longer work due to illness or injury. When that happens, it’s important to make sure you still have enough income to get by. Disability insurance is designed to help individuals in these situations by paying you approximately 60% of your gross monthly income each month.
There are three primary types of disability insurance:
- Short-Term Disability: Generally speaking, this insurance will last between three and 12 months while you recover.
- Long-Term Disability: This insurance is for individuals who will take longer to recover from their illness or injury—or who may not recover at all—and can last anywhere from two years until an individual retires.
- Social Security Disability: Social Security Disability is a type of insurance provided by the government and is available for individuals with severe disabilities.
At Toni DuBois Agency, LLC, we can help you learn more about disability insurance and provide assistance to individuals and employers alike. Consider calling us today to receive more information and talk to a professional.
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